Duty of Candour Policy
Purpose of Policy
The purpose of the policy is to ensure that The Cairngorm Aesthetics Clinic provides a Duty of Candour service to service users. This ensures an open and transparent service is provided to service users in the event of an accident or incident.Policy Statement and Aims
The policy aims to ensure that the Duty of Candour is followed as soon as possible after any unintended or unexpected incident occurs which could have caused harm to the client or service user. This ensures that the client is fully informed of events and an apology is given. A review of events will take place to ensure a similar event does not occur again and that any learning or development is undertaken by the aesthetic practitioner.Scope
This policy is for use by the aesthetic practitioner providing treatment to the client and is to be actioned if any event occurs which could cause harm to the client.Procedure
A ‘notifiable safety incident’ is defined as any unintended or unexpected incident that occurred in respect of a service user during the provision of a service that, in the opinion of a healthcare professional, could result in harm or death to the service user.
This includes:
• An impairment of the sensory, motor, or intellectual functions of the service user which has lasted or is likely to last for a continuous 28 days.
• Changes to the structure of the service user’s body.
• The service user experiencing prolonged pain or psychological harm.
• The shortened life expectancy of the service user.The practitioner must disclose events to the service user or their family.
The service user will be given an explanation of what the company knows about the incident which occurred.
The service user will be invited to have a face-to-face meeting with The Cairngorm Aesthetics Clinic manager and given the chance to ask any questions.
A formal written apology will be given to the service user.
The Cairngorm Aesthetics Clinic will carry out a review of the incident. When the review is complete, it must be documented and reported, and a copy will be given to the service user. The report must include information about what is being done to prevent a similar incident from occurring again.
An annual review of all incidents will be published as required by law.
The responsibility of implementing this policy lies with the aesthetic practitioner and business owner, Lyndsey Robinson.Compliance
Compliance with this policy is vital, and maintaining this policy is the responsibility of The Cairngorm Aesthetics Clinic.
- Scottish Government (2019). NHS Inform. Duty of Candour. Available at: Duty of candour – Health rights | NHS Inform
- Public Health England (2020). Duty of Candour. Available at: Duty of candour – GOV.UK